Paste: Energy Plus

Energy Booster

About the product
10 gm/sachet
12 sachets / box

SKU: 02ACEB52-EP Categories: ,

Energy and sexual booster; Increase male potency – increase number of sperms, improve female sexual function.

Red Ginseng, Nettle Seed, Pollen, Coconut, Cinnabar, Cloves, Rose hip, Schlep, Chinchona, Gallant, Cardamom, Saffron, Cacao, Locust Bean Flour, Fennel, Anise, Lavender, Thick Locust Bean Syrup, Honey.

It is recommended to take the contents of one sachet (after rubbing to mix contents) half an hour before meals, twice daily. It can be taken unmixed or added to milk or juice.

Don’t use if:
You’re diabetic
Undesirable effects
Important Note: This product is NOT an alternative to medication/s prescribed by your doctor, nevertheless, it is of adjunctive benefits.

Store in Room Temperature Range

10 gm/sachet
12 sachets/box

Our range of products under the brand “necturell intracare” are useful in many areas related to the health of the internal organs, as they work to protect and improve the functions of the internal organs of your body.